Max's Experience with his Foster Family - Changing Futures Fostering

Max’s Experience with his Foster Family

A short but impactful story on how Max is settling into family life with his new foster parents….

Max* was placed with the Watson family in the last month. Max has had a difficult 8 months, moving from family members to fostering placements where he has felt unwanted and unwelcome.  He came to Kim & Paul’s after another placement breakdown and was feeling really rejected by his birth family and said that he has no trust in professionals, he felt that they do not listen or help.

Recently, Max has had his 28 day looked after review, he has not attended any meetings like this before being with his foster parents but has attended all meetings since being placed with them! They’ve really encouraged him to come along and share his views, more importantly to feel safe to be able to do that.

At his LAC review today his Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) said it was remarkable the difference a month makes. Max told the review meeting that the reason why is

“I have a good connection to my foster carers and I feel safe which is really important to me”.

Kim shared

 “Max is a very welcome addition to our family and he is doing brilliantly adjusting to such massive changes, its lovely to see how well he is doing”.

We are absolutely over the moon to hear this feedback and a huge thank you to our foster parents who have done everything they can to make Max feel welcome.

“This feedback has been incredibly positive especially in relation to Kim & Paul consistently using the therapeutic training model with Max. I really hope for him this keeps going.” Sarah, fostering manager.

Therapeutic fostering changes the futures for children and young people in care. We’re recruiting for foster parents across the North East. To receive a callback from one of our team or to have any fostering questions answered click below!