Fostering Teenagers - Changing Futures Fostering
Fostering by Changing Futures Fostering

Fostering Teenagers

Everything You Need To Know

  • Why is fostering teenagers important?
  • What are the responsibilities involved?
  • Is fostering teenagers the right placement for you?

At Changing Futures, we know that fostering is a big step, no matter the placement or whether it is for the short or long-term. Every placement has particular needs and requirements, as will every child or young person. This is why we strive to educate potential and existing foster parents, as well as the public, on everything they need to know! Today, we’re going to be discussing fostering teenagers, who are often wrongly stereotyped as more challenging. However, like any child or young person in the foster care system, they need a loving, supportive and safe environment to develop and grow.

Why Is Fostering Teenagers Important?

Fostering in itself is important, but when it comes to teenagers, you are preparing them for the big step into adulthood. Teenagers in the foster care system may have been moved around a lot and will most likely have faced some trauma, abuse or neglect, which led them to be fostered in the first place. It’s therefore imperative that they have a safe, loving environment where they can enjoy being a teenager and growing up without carrying the burdens unfairly placed on children in care.

What Are The Responsibilities Involved?

As mentioned, one of the significant responsibilities involved is preparing a young adult for the major step into adulthood and being independent. This includes educating them on adult life, including everything from paying bills and taxes, doing their washing and ironing, and general skills useful in adult life. It is also about ensuring that they are in the right headspace to leave the security and comfort offered by a foster placement. It is very important to ensure it is both mentally and physically the right thing for them – this is where you come in! You will play a fundamental role in this process, making sure all the wheels in motion are well-oiled and well-considered.

Of course, there are other crucial responsibilities, too, including making sure they are attending and getting the most out of education and maintaining contact with their birth parents to harbour a sense of continuity and involvement. You are also there to help them with all the challenges and obstacles that come with being a teenager, whether that may be falling out with friends, the stress and pressures of school and their social lives, their relationships with others, or simply the inevitability of puberty. It’s your job to act as a supportive figure, providing sensible, good advice and being understanding in the face of these issues.

How Long Is This Particular Fostering Placement?

This entirely depends on the age of the teenager and their individual care plan. It’s likely that if they are over 16 years, they’ll require a short-term plan of 2 years, and if under 16, it’s more likely to be long-term. However, in both scenarios, the teenager in your care may stay with you after they leave foster care, which is entirely up to you and them. This legislation is known as ‘Staying Put’, and means that when they turn 18, they are no longer classed as being ‘Looked After’; instead, they are living with you until they are ready to make that step.

Is Fostering Teenagers The Right Placement For You?

This question requires a completely personal answer that only you can provide. Our team at Changing Futures will happily discuss this with you and run through in more detail what fostering teenagers involves!

At Changing Futures Fostering, we’re all about providing our foster parents with the information and support they need to really make a difference in a vulnerable child’s life. If you need any more information about fostering teenagers or if you have any other questions or queries, please click here to contact us. Or, please feel free to email us at or give us a call on 01429 363 127 to speak to our brilliant fostering team!