Care Day is the world’s largest celebration of the rights of children and young people with care experience. We want a world where children and young people who have overcome adversities are proud of themselves, their achievements and look forward to a future opportunity, equality and equity. For #CareDay22 the theme is: “It takes a village to raise a child”.
Our Foster Manager, Sarah Richardson talked us through what the day means to us,
“Here at Changing Futures Fostering we are proud to be taking part in Care Day 2022. Care experienced people need to be heard and have opportunities to share their experiences of what does and does not work.
When discussing fostering, Children and Young People should always know their rights and the duties placed on local authorities and those caring for them to ensure they have every opportunity to overcome the adversity they have faced and secure futures that provide them with fulfilling experiences and opportunities.
We support our Foster Parents to be aspirational for the children and young people they care for and have a deep and meaningful understanding of not only their previous experiences but also the impact a secure and loving environment can create. We measure our success by measuring the success of our children and young people, that is what counts.
Care Day 2022 highlights this and we must continue to support care experienced people to support change and share their successes.”
Care Day is a moment for children, young people and adults to unite in celebrating the rights and resilience of care experienced children and young people, their stories and their achievements.